@Bangkok Modern Thai Cuisine

Thai food in Victoria

We offer Takeout

Table Reservation
See MENU & Order

About @Bangkok Modern Thai Cuisine

@Bangkok Modern Thai Cuisine is a Thai restaurant, near Downtown Victoria at 1813 Douglas St. We offer delicious warm meals, fresh and Delicious including gluten-free ,Dairy free ,Vegetarian and vegan options.  We ensure to serve consistent flavorful foods with NO MSG! We promise to do our best to provide a great experience for our customers.

Visit our restaurant where you can enjoy Thai food with a warm welcome and service!  We are looking forward to serving you. We appreciate fo your support and feedback. It's our pleasure to serve you. Thank you :)

Best Thai food in Victoria BC

Great place to spend quality time with friends, family, and your special one!   

Opening hours

Monday - Friday
11:00 a.m. - 02:00 p.m.
Monday - Sunday
04:00 p.m. - 09:30 p.m.

Social media

Facebook link for @Bangkok Modern Thai Cuisine Instagram link for @Bangkok Modern Thai Cuisine


Dear Customers.........


1 Dish and 1 Spring roll


we are open

 Lunch special  Monday - Friday  11.00 PM - 2.00 PM

Dinner Monday - Sunday  4.00 PM - 8.00 PM 

We are Available Vegan - Vegetarian - Gluten free - Dairy free  And All of Dish No MSG add

Thank you for Your Support Local  Family Business